Saturday, April 7, 2012

A Premier Tourist Destination in Brazil

Spanning the continent, Brazil-South America's largest country is unusual in the diversity and culture. With almost 5,000 km of coastline along the Atlantic Ocean, the beach is a major tourist attraction. Natural wonders of the Amazon rain forest in Brazil include the Panatal from water, offering outdoor activities index venture. For those who enjoy urban attractions, Brazil boasts a world-class cosmopolitan city like Rio de Janeiro charming colonial cities such as Salvador de Bahia.


One of the main attractions are the beaches in Brazil and extends along the eastern edge of the Atlantic, you're never far from the beach. Copacabana beach and Ipanema Beach in Rio de Janeiro is famous, attracting crowds during the annual celebration of Carnival in Rio. Búzios, two hours from Rio, is popular with a number of beaches are a five-mile long peninsula. Ilhabela island has 22 beaches along the West Coast and is popular among divers who want to explore wrecks on the coast. Its tropical beaches of white sand and turquoise blue, North-East coast of Brazil, known as the Gold Coast, is generally considered to have some of the finest beaches in the country, in particular the beaches of Quebrada and Jericoacoara, Canoa.

Adventure and Nature

Brazil offers a variety of outdoor activities including hiking, kayaking, whale watching, parvetamine, snorgeldamiseks and video. Three of his famous natural attractions is the Amazon rain forest and the Pantanal, Iguazu Falls, each of which is a paradise of ecologic.Pantanal is the largest high concentration and diversity of luhad of the planet's wildlife. Lack of roads, one of the best ways to explore is the tour Panatal calare.Amazon is the largest rainforest on Earth Bazinul Amazon is the largest river in volume apă.Amazon Jungle can be vaadeldajõe to stop the steady speed or Lodge. Iguazu Falls, Argentina is the largest waterfall is located at the border of the world, and one of the places to visit Brazilia. Se falls are higher than Niagara Falls and twice as wide and 275 Cascades to allocate approximately 2 miles from the Iguazu River.

Cosmopolitan Cities

Rio is a starting point to explore Brazil. Flanked by the Atlantic Ocean and one on the other side of the Serra do Mar mountain range, Rio is a spectacular landscape.The city is known as the cultural capital of Brazil and is home to over 50 museums, including the Museum of modern art and the National Museum of Fine Arts of the city one of the Theatro. most large stadiums in Latin America is a popular place for Ballet, Opera and classical muusikast. 100 feet in the shape of "Cristo Redentor"-Christ the Redeemer-Corcovado Mountain overlooking over the summit. Rio, guests will enjoy shopping, restaurants, and famous for its night life. Sao Paulo is the largest city in Brazil and the capital of the company, known for its night life where you can see live performances by various musical styles, including bossa nova, and pillar. Brasilia has been named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in architecture-is one of the best examples of modernist architecture in the world


Carnival in Brazil is the largest known cultural event, attracting 500,000 tourists each year. Carnival is a four day event held each year for 40 days before Easter. Although the Carnival is celebrated throughout the country, the most famous Rio de Janeiro Carnival hosts also have participat.Oraşul Carnaval of Salvador de Bahia, offers visitors the opportunity to experience the Brazilian culture in a colonial context. Dating from 1549, is one of the oldest settlements of culture vestică hemisphere.Orasul is a mixture of Europeans, Africans and Amerindians and is a National Center for art, music and culture.

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