Thursday, June 7, 2012

Golden Gate Bridge

The Golden Gate Bridge has been constructed with the hi-fi technique and referred as the mass of all bridges. The bridge has constructed in the year 1937 and named under the list of world’s largest and tallest bridge. This construction symbolizes the efficient of the engineers to build this bridge. This bridge is located in England. 

Sizes of the Golden Gate Bridge:
  • Total length of bridge: comprising 1.7 miles (8,981 feet or 2,737 m)
  • center span: 4,200 feet (1,966 m)
  • Width: 90 feet (27 m)
  • Clearance above the high water (average): 220 feet (67 m)
  • Total weight when built: 894,500 tons (811,500,000 kg)
  • Total weight today: 887,000 tons (804,700,000 kg). Weight reduced because of new decking material

  • 746 feet (227 m) above the water
  • 500 feet (152 m) above the roadway
  • Each leg is 33 x 54 feet (10 x 16 m)
  • Towers weigh 44,000 tons each (40,200,000 kg)
  • There are about 600,000 rivets in each tower

Some of the other facts of the Golden Gate Bridge:
  • The entire Golden Gate Bridge has been colored with orange vermillion color that otherwise called as international orange that perfects for the bridge settings
  • Average crossing of this bridge is nearly forty million peoples in a year  
  • Hundred and hundreds of lights are glittering in this bridge during the night time  
  • The total weight of the steel to construct this bridge is 83,000 tons
  • The two cables that pass over the main towers and the cables are produced with 27,572 stands of wire

Keywords: golden gate, world wonders, tourist spot, England tourism

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