Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Holy Santhome Basilica Cathedral In Chennai

This cathedral church is one of the three churches constructed over the tombs of disciple of Jesus Christ. The remaining two churches of St. Peter has constructed over the tomb of St. Peter in the region of Rome. Other cathedral church of St. James has been constructed in the region of Spain called as Santiago de Compostela. 
San Thome Basilica is the Roman Catholic is located in the place of Santhome in the major city of Chennai, the administrative capital of Tamil Nadu.  This holy shrine has constructed in 16th century by the explorers of Portuguese. And gain the building has been reconstructed in the year of 1893 by the British. Today what you see, in this church, is remolded by the British.   

The entire construction has been designed in the architectural structure of Neo – Gothic style that privileged by the architects in British in the end of nineteenth century. Christian convention upholds the St. Thomas arrived in the state of Kerala from the country Israel in 52 AD.  The St. Thomas preached in between 52 AD and 72 AD at the time of he martyred on St. Thomas Mount. 

keywords: best tourist spot, tourist place in Chennai, chennai tourism, church in chennai, chennai chruch


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