Friday, May 11, 2012

Amber Fort in Jaipur

It is located in Jaipur Rajasthan. The Fort is built in marble and red stone. The Maotha Lake is near to the Fort. The mirror image of the Fort on the still waters of the Lake is a beautiful illusion. The construction of the Fort was started by Raja Man Singh in 1592. The Amber Fort took the present form during the reign of Raja Jai Singh.

The interior of the Fort is wonderful and pleasant which is least expected from its outer appearance. The paintings in the inner wall of the Fort reflect the temperament of the Rajputs who were adventurous and self-indulgent.

The mighty walls guarantee the protection of the Fort from enemies. The best part of it is the royal elephant ride. The beauty of the Fort can be enjoyed with an elephant ride. The minute mirror work in interior of the Fort adds to the grand appearance and royalty of the halls.
Don’t  miss visiting this place when you are in Jaipur.

Keywords: Maotha Lake, Fort, Amber Fort, Raja Jai Singh, Rajputs, elephant ride, Jaipur


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