Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls does not specify the single falls but it is the collection of group of cascades that comprises Horseshoe Falls, American Falls, and Bridal Veil Falls. Among these Horseshoe Falls is the energetic falls in North America. 

This fabulous cascade also specifies the international border between the Canadian province of Ontario and the U.S. state of New York, also forming the southern end of the Niagara Gorge. Some of the vital facts about this tremendous waterfall are listed below in efficient way.
  • Niagara River is of the length sixty kilometers and falls formed from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario. 
  • The height between the 2 lakes is nearly hundred meters
  • The entire area drained by the Niagara River is approximately 684,000 sq km 
  • The typical fall from Lake Erie to the beginning of the upper Niagara Rapids is only 2.7 m 
  • Below the Chippawa-Grass Island Pool control configuration, the river falls 15 m to the brink of the fall
  • The deepest segment in the Niagara River is just below the fall. It is so cavernous it equals the height of the fall above, 52 m 
  • The top position Niagara River extends about 35 km from Lake Erie to the Cascade Rapids which begin 1 km upstream from the Canadian Horseshoe Falls.
  • At Grand Island, the Niagara River partitions into the west channel, recognized as the Canadian or Chippawa Channel, and the east channel, notorious as the American or Tonawanda Channel
  • The Chippawa Channel is about 17.7 km in length and varies from 610 to 1220 m in width. Water speed ranges from 0.6 to 0.9 meters per second. This channel carries roughly 60% of the total river flow
  • The Tonawanda channel is 24 km long and varies from 460 to 610 m in width above Tonawanda Island. Downstream, the channel varies from 460 to 1220 m in width. Speed ranges from 0.6 to 0.9 mps 
  • The Niagara Gorge enlarges from the fall for 11 km downstream to the base of the escarpment at Queenston

Number of visitors visiting this place is soaring day by day. As per the annual report, every year nearly thirty million tourist are visiting this enormous cascade. The number of visitors in the year 2010 is nearly reached the thirty million.    

Some of the best another tourist attraction in Niagara Falls is Maid of the Mist boat cruise that named for an ancient Ongiara Indian mythical character. This will carry the passengers into the rapids at once below the falls since 1846. Cruise boats and charters are operated from boat docks on both sides of the falls.

Keywords: Niagara falls, new York, US state, falls, tourist spot

1 comment:

  1. NIAGARA FALLS is mine all time favorite destination that I have enjoyed this with my friends through I would like to have fun with mates in winter season.
