Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Great Wall of China

Great Wall of China is considered as one of the seven wonders in the world for some centuries. The age of this wall is not less than two thousands years ago. It is the longest man made structure and it is the highlight of the fabulous wonder of the globe. 

It is an instantaneously familiar configuration that many people are well-known with, though often know little about. There are lots and lots of appealing facts about the Great Wall along with when the wall was built, how long the wall is, and if it is visible from the moon.

Tremendous Great Wall of China is more or less six thousand kilometers of length. On the other hand, if you wish to compute all the individual structures and transform to the wall complete over the centuries and also it is believed the ultimate extent would total over fifty thousands of kilometers!

This lengthy wall in the world has built around 221 BC and most of the segments have been constructed again in between 1368 to 1644 in the period of Ming Dynasty. It is highly assumed that the chief reason to build the great wall to safeguard China from harass by Mongols. 

 Most of them proclaiming the Great Wall of China have been seen from moon. But it is not fact. NASA has announced that this wall can be viewed from the space. The pictures unveiled by NASA specify the various parts of the wall.    

The Great Wall comprises a sequence of watch towers and forts. In these tower houses, the soldiers of China used to stay and store weapons and grain. Beacon possibly will permit the passing of messages rapidly along the wall. Special and harmful weapons were developed to allow the wall to be defended not in favor of attack. 

Hundreds and thousands of people were implicated for this building. From the history, it seems nearly three laks of soldiers and five laks of common people involved in assembling the real Great Wall. Nearly three laks of people has expired their lives in the time of work. 

Keywords: great wall, china, tourist spot


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