Suchindrum is the small town having this greatest temple, which located 12km from the capital of the distrit Nagercoil. The main God name in this famous temple is Sri Thanumalayan Swamy. This represents that the presence of three lords Brahma, Vishnu and Sivan at one place. In this world, we can’t see the appearance of three Lords at one place. We can say it in simple words that Bharama, Vishnu, and Shivan come into sight in the single form. Obviously, it is represented as Tthanu-Shiva; Maal-Vishnu and Ayan-Brahma.

This temple is one of the best examples for the Indian sculpture and architecture. In this temple, peoples are celebrating two main festivals they are Markazhi Tiruvella in December and Chiththirai Tiruvella in April. The car festival is held at the end of the Tiruvella in the grand manner.
There is one gigantic statue of Hanuman in this temple, which implies another important feature of this fantastic temple. Lord Hanuman is appearing, in this temple, as the standing position. There is one deep and big pond outside of this temple.
This temple is one of the best examples for the Indian sculpture and architecture. In this temple, peoples are celebrating two main festivals they are Markazhi Tiruvella in December and Chiththirai Tiruvella in April. The car festival is held at the end of the Tiruvella in the grand manner.
There is one gigantic statue of Hanuman in this temple, which implies another important feature of this fantastic temple. Lord Hanuman is appearing, in this temple, as the standing position. There is one deep and big pond outside of this temple.
keywords: Indian sculpture , Nagercoil, festivals.
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