Thursday, May 24, 2012

Yercaurd Spots

Yercaud is a best hill tourist spot that located in Shevaroy Hills of Tamil Nadu. This place referred as “Poor Man’s Ooty.” This cool place comprises the coffee plantation in wide area and dark forest slope. The climatic condition in this place is cool always. This tempts every human to visit this place again and again. This place has lots and lots of tourist attraction in it. Listed below are some of the tourist spot in the area of Yercaurd. 

Yercaud Lake:
The summer festival celebrated in this place in the month of May in grant manner. Boats are available at this lake for two persons and four seated boats. 

Anna Park: 
This park located near the Yercaud Lake. This park contains hundreds of thousands of beautiful flowers. There are so many equipments for kids to play. 

Lady's Seat:
Lady’s seat is located at the south west side of Shevaroy hills. From this place one can able to make a glance at Ghat road and Salem town. To go through these places there is a well equipped telescope accumulated at the place. 

Beyond this tourist spots, there some other best tourist spot are mentioned below:
  • Pagoda Point
  • Killiyur Falls
  • The Grange
  • Bear’s Cave
  • Shevaroy Temple
  • Montfort school
  • Botanical Garden

Keywords: Yercaud, tourist spot, tourist attraction, ladies’ seat 


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