Thursday, May 17, 2012

Netherlands Keukenhof gardens

Keukenhof is identified for the beautiful Garden in Europe, which resembles the world's largest flower garden located proximity to Lisse in Netherlands. More or less seven million flowers bulbs are planted annually in the park, which covers an area of 32 hectares.

Keukenhof Gardens are situated in South Holland. Visitors can able to reach this place by bus, car and train from Haarlem, Leiden and Schiphol. Keukenhof has been unveiling once in the year from March to mid of May. The best time to glance the tulips is approximately mid-April, which depends upon the weather.

Some of the facts of Keukenhof Garden are listed below
  • This garden has listed under the list of Europe’s most valued attraction
  • Keukenhof is unique and famous and beautiful garden throughout the world
  • It is one of the most familiar tourist spots in the Netherlands and has clocked up more than 44 million visitors in the last 60 years
  • It is the longest and largest bulb flower park in the world
  • It enclose the area of 32 hectares 4.5 million tulips in 100 varieties
  • It is the most photographed place in the globe 
  • There are 15 kilometers of footpaths for the tourist
  • It is the major sculpture park in the Netherlands
  • The bulbs has been supplied by 91 Royal Warrant Holders
  • More than seven million flower bulbs planted by human hands
  • There are not less than 2,500 trees in 87 varieties
  • Walk of Fame with tulips called after famous people

Walk of Fame 
The walk of fame is proximity to Oranie Nassau Pavillion comprises illustrious names. The whole length of the walk way along the garden has been decorated with flower boxes that include Berliner Flair, Victor Mundi and Lustige Witwe.

Flower Shows
Flower shows are held for nine weeks, in that period the flower growers, breeders and product groups’ work together to attract the visitors by growing high quality flowers in the exhibition.  

Inspirational Gardens Keukenhof
There are lots and lots of garden in this place to observe the nature beauty. Here the listed of some fabulous garden maintained by the workers in the excellent way. 
  • Forest garden
  • Rob’s collector’s garden
  • Circular garden 
  • Outdoor room 
  • Urban garden 
  • Deck garden 
  • Patio garden 

Art Keukenhof
In addition to the varieties of garden, flower shows there are so many flower arts available at this garden. This activity is available in this garden from the year 1949. This gathering of art objects have been poised by Mrs. Ansel Sandberg.

Children park
This really affords full entertainment to the kids those who visiting this garden. Along the walk through flower show, you can enjoy the playground and jungle gym. 

Bicycle activity at Keukenhof 
Keukenhof garden can be covered only by foot. The cycling is not allowed in the park. But the breath-taking, colorful background can be explored by bicycle. Children’s seats and helmets are also accessible.

Boat trip in Keukenhof
You have been able to cycle more or less Keukenhof bulb fields for some years, but you can also travel by water in the so-called ‘whisper boats’. These boats are determined by electric engines are environmentally friendly. They are almost silent as they travel by water all the way through the beautiful surrounding Dutch landscape. The charters are used perfectly for sailing along the often shallow water. Of course, all the old boats are used by gardeners, growers and farmers for all types of work.

Taking photos in these gardens seems to the pleasant job. This is one of the famous and most liking activities for the visitors. 

Keywords: Netherlands gardens, Keukenhof, gardens, charters, activity, bicycle activity, biking   

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