Monday, May 7, 2012

Taj Mahal the monument of love

             The TajMahal which is one of the Seven Wonders of the World is located on the banks of river Yamuna in Agra India. It was built by the mughal emperor shah jahan.  The TajMahal is a monument of immeasurable beauty. The beauty of it is beyond the scope of the words. The monument is constructed in the memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal. 

            TajMahal stands majestically on the banks of river Yamuna. It is the love behind this monument that has given life to it. The construction of this monument started in the year 1631AD and took almost 22 years to complete.

       A total of 20,000 laborers from across the world were employed to work for 22 years continuously to build the monument. Precious and semi precious stone were brought from far off places. The monument was built of white marble which was brought from all over India and central Asia. 

     The word TajMahal when translated meant Crown Palace. The Taj is pinkish in the morning, milky white in the evening and golden when the moon shines. Eating and Smoking is prohibited inside TajMahal. Visitors are requested to make less noise inside. Some think that the changing colors of the tomb depict the different moods of a woman.

      The time when shah jahan thought of building another mahal in black marble across the river he got house arrested by his own son Aurangzeb in the near by Agra Fort.

        This monument has touched the hearts of lovers from the years past. Shooting was not allowed within the monument. People are allowed to take photographs outside the monument.

         Many precious stones from the tomb were stolen by british officers during their rule.This place is one such which has to be visited at least once in lifetime.

Keywords : TajMahal, laborers, white marble, monument.

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