Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Stunning form of Tiruvalluvar

Each and every one in this world may know about the historic and well-organized book named Thirukkural, which comprises 1330 couplets under 133 chapters, each chapter comprising 10 verses. There are three admirable major divisions namely Virtue, Wealth and Love. This historic book is written by legend Tamil poet Thiruvalluvar. This classical work has been published in more than sixty languages.   

This tremendous statue has represents the thirty eight chapters by the pedestal. The length of the statue is ninety five feet.  Every year the number of visitors is soaring in apex. There is a wonderful charter service available at Kanyakumari seashore. The details of the statue are listed below:

• Height of the statue 95 feet 
• Height of the pedestal 38 feet
• Statue along with the pedestal 133 feet
• Height of the face 10 feet
• Fore arm 10 feet
• Height of the thigh part 30 feet
• Height of the leg part 20 feet
• Length of the hairdo 5 feet
• Height of the body part 30 feet
• Length of the manuscript 10 feet
• Width of the shoulder 30 feet
• 10 Elephants, each as tall as 5' 6 inches
• Weight of the pedestal, statue and the wall 7000 tones
• Sculptures and other workmen 500
• Peripheral wall including the statue & mandap 60 * 50 feet
• Chief Sculptor : Thiru V.Ganapathi Sthapathi  

Keywords: Kanyakumari, Tiruvalluvar.

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