Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Kappal Matha Church

The small church but the world famed church is located in Tirunelveli District. This shrine has been dedicated to the Mother St. Mary. Once before a time, this church was under the performance of pastors of Goa mission. After some periods later that exactly in the year 1903, the church has transformed into school. 

Some important festivals are celebrated in grant manner and deep prayers conducted by the devotees of Mary Matha. There is a process of a young ladies, proximity to this costal hamlet, have the habit of sleeping inside this shrine during the night time. There happened a miracle on one day that there is a big aura appeared around the statue of the Goddesses Selvamatha where nobody handles the candles for an hour.

This miracle has been observed and sawn by many devotees in that shrine. From that time onwards this church become world famous and the number devotees visiting to this church is goes on increasing. This miracle happened in the day of 18th September and the festivals conducted here on every year on this day. 

Therefore, the people in this area have a great desire to construct the temple and keep this Mary Matha statue to worship. They started to construct the new church in 1970 and completed in 1974. The design of the church is based on structure of the ship that generally referred as Kappal Matha Church.

Keywords: church in Tirunelveli district, divine place, Mary Matha church, selvamatha church


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