Monday, May 7, 2012

Gorgeous site from Sothavilai Beach

        Almost each and every one in this world likes to arrange a peaceful trip to the nice and lengthy shorelines. Obviously, there are lots and lots of beautiful beaches are located in the costal district of Kanyakumari. Out of these beaches Sothavilai is one of the best and attractive beaches of this fabulous district.

       Sothavilai Beach is somewhat lengthiest beach in south India. This eye-catching and nice looking beach is situated about nearly ten kilometers from the Kanyakumari shoreline and also this beach located proximity to Sanguthurai beach. The length of the shoreline extends more than five kilometers.

        The visitors can able to swim, without any mishap, is the endowment to them for this fabulous beach. The lofty sand mound in the backdrop and a never-ending aqua blue sea stretching into distance, where the tourist those who spend few hours in this beach will be really terrific and unforgettable.

Keywords: Indian Beaches,Kanyakumari, Beaches,


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