The magnificence of Peterhof, Peter the Great's summer imperial palace on the Gulf of Finland on Baltic Sea, is somewhat reminiscent of Versailles near Paris. Peter the Great visited Versailles in 1717 and he returned to st Petersburg with many ideas for enhancing his own summer palace and grounds, which were already under construction. Peterhof Palace sits in 1500-acres of formal gardens and park 18 miles from Saint Petersburg and its 173 glorious fountains are fed by underground springs that are 14 miles away. The fountains of Peterhof are amazingly beautiful. The interiors of the palace are beautiful, very similar to those from the Catherine's Palace. Fountains are open from around May to September. Peterhof Lower garden is really a gem of St.Petersburg. The garden is currently in a very good shape. Western part is now being restored. Fountains are quite impressive, shining with gold and sparkling with water.

Most visitors to Peterhof come with an organized group or guide for a half-day tour, riding a hydrofoil for 45 minutes along the Neva River one way and a tour bus the other. You do need a guide to explain things to you if you cannot read Russian. Don’t miss visiting this palace in Russia
Keywords – Peterhof, Baltic Sea, Versailles, Petersburg, St.Petersburg, Russia, Fountains.
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