Friday, May 11, 2012

Padmanabhapuram Palace

Padmanabhapuram Palace is one of the historic palaces that indicate the rich and admirable cultural legacy of India that has been constructed before many centuries. Padmanabhapuram is a prehistoric area and also one of the four municipalities in Kanyakumari district, which located about thirty kilometers from the district capital.

The entire palace is assembled by the wood that focused as the peculiar features of this palace. The area of this gorgeous fort is enclosing nearly about two hundred acres. This palace is under the control of the Kerala state government though this palace constructed in ambit of Tamil Nadu. Each day the number of tourist visiting this palace is goes on soaring. 

Some of the interesting aspects of this fabulous fort are listed below:
  • Three hundred year old clock is placed at this palace and running till now
  • Big hall that comprises more than thousands persons gather at the time of festivals
  • There is a secret passage through which the king and his family members used to go away in the event of any emergency. This secret passage extends to some kilometers 
  • More than three bathing ponds are constructed inside this palace
  • Various curios, Chinese jars and other Indian and Chinese interesting objects are seen here
  • Tourist can able to glance olden days swords and daggers in the museum
  • Brass lamps, wood and stone sculpture, a range of furniture and outsized mirrors made of polished metal are seen in this palace
  • Tourist may go through some excellent paintings, wooden cots, medicine tree trunk, stone cot 

Keywords: kanyakumari, tamil nadu, Indian culture


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